Multidisciplinary Team

Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy is provided by the Bexley Team from Oxleas NHS Trust. 

Our permanent SaLTs are Zalfa who works 3 days a week, and Hannah who works 1 day per week. Our SaLT team support students at both our sites on Marlborough Park Avenue and Marlborough Legacy at Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School. The Speech and Language Therapists review pupil's progress of their communication skills and work closely with the young person's class teacher to agree communication targets. They offer support to all those working with the young person so their communication objectives can be achieved. 

The Speech and Language Therapists provide training to staff and parents, advice for those working with the young people, classroom support and a range of therapy groups.

The dysphagia team also provide assessments and guidance for pupils with eating and drinking difficulties. 

Marlborough School also provides 4 days of Speech and Language Therapy Assistants to support 1:1 and group interventions from Ivie and Louisa, and an additional day per week of SaLT from Unlocking Language from Valentina.

If you would like to speak to a therapist, please contact them through the school or email them at or telephone 0203 004 0092. 


Physiotherpay is provided by the Bexley Team from Oxleas NHS Trust. 

The current School Physiotherapist is Lesley Hopkins – Bain.  She provides a service to students who have difficulties with gross motor skills limiting their functional independence. Her work is centred on the needs of the student, thereby maximising the ability of the individual, and enabling them to reach their full potential. 

Lesley assesses, reviews, writes physiotherapy programs, and co-ordinates equipment and orthosis’ for students that require them and communicates regularly with parents/carers

She works closely with the MOVE team to develop functional programs to help maximize the child’s level of functional independence.

If you would like to speak to a therapist, please contact them through the school or email them at or telephone 0203 004 0092. 

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy is provided by the Bexley Team from Oxleas NHS Trust. 

Oxleas are currently recruiting for a permanent OT at Marlborough. In the interim we have 1 day per week bank OT provided by Comfort.

Occupational Therapy enables young people to maximise their independence in everyday activities, such as, feeding themselves. At Marlborough School the Occupational Therapist focus on specialist seating to enable the student to participate in class activities. The Occupational Therapists also review student's abilities to be independent in daily activities, e.g feeding and toileting. They will recommend equipment and techniques where necessary. If a student needs an upper limb splint, they will be referred to the splinting service at Acorn's Children's Centre. 

If you would like to speak to a therapist, please contact them through the school or email them at or telephone 0203 004 0092.