
At Marlborough we value the impact of physical activity and sports on our student’s development. Our provision offers students opportunities for a wide range of cross curricular learning including communication, numeracy, social interaction, emotional regulation and gross and fine motor skills. We have built strong partnerships with community organisations who use their expertise to support our sports and PE curriculum including Charlton Athletic and Inspire Sports.

Charlton Athletic
We have a long-standing partnership with Charlton Athletic who come in once a week to run sports sessions across both our Legacy and Marlborough Park Avenue site. The providers also run weekend and half term camps which many of our students attend, and have been working with many of the students since primary school. Their well-developed relationships with the students allow them to plan their sessions effectively to meet each student’s needs. Their sessions support student development of physical skills, social skills and communication skills. They also work towards preparation for adulthood skills by developing student understanding of
leisure activities choice making. The sessions at Marlborough Park Avenue are run as a carousel of physical activity games and
equipment for students to explore and learn to use. Within the carousel there are a selection of staff led structured games which give opportunities for turn taking, counting and scoring, and team work. The sessions at Marlborough Legacy support students to consolidate the skills they have learned while at Marlborough Park Avenue and apply them to team games and group sports. They also work to link their teaching to current events where possible such as during the European Football Championships they used tables and graphing to run mini tournaments with the sports they were playing and to track the scores. These sessions are highly anticipated by students each week and are highly impactful on their


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Inspire Sport
Inspire Sport works weekly at our Marlborough Park Avenue site to facilitate sport sessions. Inspire Sport is a multi-skill and sport coaching program. They aim to create a dun environment for young people of all needs and abilities. This focus ensures they plan and implement targeted sessions which meet each student where they are and support them to develop their physical skills in
individualised ways. The sessions include structured circuits of activities which remain consistent over a period of time to allow students to effectively learn and embed new skills, develop independence through an understanding of the routines and expectations, and build their self-confidence through their achievements. Students are at the centre of all sessions and the instructor Dave is highly responsive to individual needs and adapts the activities for each pupil effectively to ensure all pupils make progress. These sessions support students to develop gross motor and fine motor skills, to learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to support their preparation for adulthood through access to leisure activities. The students are highly engaged by these sessions and their impact is seen across the curriculum.

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